Deborah Lee Prescott

Welcome to my digital world! I am inspired by the pets in my life, especially Mitzvah the blind dog, Daisy the rascally cat, and the newest addition: Sugar the adorable toy poodle-mix. The love I have for pets has found its expression in children’s picture books and children’s plays.

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The Holocaust has been a subject that I have found compelling for my entire life, and so my academic writing has focused upon autobiographies written by those who endured that cataclysmic ordeal.

My Work

Plays – Don Butler and Deborah Lee Prescott, co-authors

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Children's Books

Daisy, Darn It!

Mazel Tov, Mitzvah!

Purchase Here!

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A Dog Named Mitzvah
Purchase Here!

Available in: English, French, Italian

Mitzvah Gets Scared
Purchase Here


Meet Mitzvah –

Hi! My name is Mitzvah. I’m a beautiful mixture of many breeds. I’ve lived with my human mom for ten years, so we guess that I’m about eleven years old. Because she adopted me from a shelter, we don’t know my actual birthday, so we celebrate the day I came home with her. After we were together for about two years, I started having problems with my eyes. The vet ophthalmologist said I had an auto-immune illness; we all tried hard to save my eyesight. I have never been happier or healthier! I love to chase the lizards that run around my backyard, I love to walk in the park, I love to lounge on my sofa, and I love my family and friends. Life is good!

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